Pamela Wright

I know what it feels like to be frozen in fear, gripped with anxiety, unable to think clearly and move forward with joy and ease. By using the combination of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, I was able to free myself from this unproductive fear and anxiety and finally breathe in peace. I feel blessed to be able to share this gift with you.


Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting is similar to EFT tapping, but rather than simply neutralizing negatively charged emotions, specific traumatic memories are targeted to break down the stories and beliefs that have been created around them, and healthier narratives replace the old. The process allows new perspectives and a more constructive role in the past.

Whether a relatively benign experience, like getting lost in a store as a child, or something more malignant, like assault, the brain reacts to trauma by categorizing the event and creating a story around it. Often some kind of core belief, such as the world is scary or not safe, or I have to be perfect to be loved, or I’m not good enough, or things never work out for me becomes established as part of this creation. Think of the past event as a story in which you are merely a character responding to circumstances over which you had no control. Matrix Reimprinting allows a rewrite with you as the author and narrator, empowering you with the sense of control that was missing from the initial experience.

When trauma occurs, the body goes into fight, flight or freeze. Freeze can be temporary shock, or more intense, like passing out/collapsing. In that frozen moment the brain takes a snapshot of the trauma and encapsulates it as a safety mechanism. It is stored away for future response. This is known as a “trauma capsule”. Energy exists within this trauma capsule and is often triggered throughout life, reaffirming the negative core feelings and beliefs that have attached. Until we resolve the trauma and collapse the underlying beliefs, the brain will continue in these unhealthy and unhelpful patterns.

With Matrix Reimprinting we are able to collapse the emotional distress and change the perspective of the story. By tapping on the  younger self and the energy held there, we are able to “tap into” the core belief about the self or life that developed in that  moment of distress- the beliefs that have become filters for every occurrence in adult life. Thus, Matrix Reimprinting finds beliefs that are inhibitive or destructive and gently and safely evolves them.

After tapping down the distress of the younger self, work is done to change the narrative to one that supports desired positive outcome, thereby re-authoring the story. The revisions and attached positive feelings are imprinted throughout the mind, body, heart, and energy field, empowering the current self and allowing a more self-actualized present and future.

Interested in opening a dialogue with me to see if I can help you?

Contact me or book a session now!

Video Explanations

Matrix Reimprinting by Rob Nelson

“ If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ”

Wayne Dyer