Pamela Wright

I know what it feels like to be frozen in fear, gripped with anxiety, unable to think clearly and move forward with joy and ease. By using the combination of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, I was able to free myself from this unproductive fear and anxiety and finally breathe in peace. I feel blessed to be able to share this gift with you.


EFT Tapping

EFT emotional freedom techniques is a combination of gently tapping on the body’s main energy meridian acupressure points on the face and upper body, while verbally expressing the situation, event or trauma you are experiencing that is causing you emotional and/or physical distress and pain.

Whether a memory or a current situation, the limbic system, specifically the amygdala, is triggered by stressors. Like a gatekeeper, it constantly decides whether we are safe and stays quiet or we are in danger and produces survival mechanisms. Because this part of our brain is not capable of analysis, it treats these stressors as threats, whether or not they actually are. It triggers the sympathetic nervous system to send a message to the adrenal glands to produce fear chemicals and hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, the three major stress hormones that produce the fight or flight response.

In today’s world the brain perceives everyday stress and overwhelm as danger. The amygdala kicks in and fills our body with these stress chemicals. Therefore our bodies are in a perpetual state of overdrive and hyper-vigilance. When we are constantly under high or low levels of stress and firing these chemicals, blood flow and oxygen are constricted, keeping the body from healing itself.

While daily stressors are enough to fire up the amygdala, many people are also dealing with trauma, old and new. After a trauma or painful event, the memory is stored in our subconscious. If there has been no resolution or release from the traumatic event, residual disturbance will remain and can be reactivated by even minor occurrences, causing feelings of trauma again and again, years or even decades later. It can manifest as pain in the physical or emotional body or as disruptive, negative, self-defeating patterns in our life.

Tapping on the meridian points disrupts the signal to the amygdala, literally rewiring the brain and interrupting unhealthy neural pathways. Reducing the stress chemicals in this way allows the body to relax. In tandem with the physical tapping, the beliefs about the stress and trauma are progressively revised through scripted self-talk, allowing the brain to make a deep-rooted shift and feel safe in this memory or situation. The parasympathetic nervous system shifts to a relaxation response and releases chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, endorphin and serotonin. This gives a feeling of being safe, calm, and confidant. Healing occurs when the brain has been retrained in its response to stressors and is in a more constant state of relaxation.

Interested in opening a dialogue with me to see if I can help you? Contact me or book a session now!

Video Explanations

The EFT Tapping Intro Video
by Gary Craig, EFT Founder

How EFT Works
by Rob Nelson

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Bruce Lipton